When to prune lemon trees and how to prune them
The lemon tree, or Citrus Limonum, is a fruit tree of the citrus family, very popular all over the world, being very popular in the Mediterranean region. It can grow up to 4 metres tall, generally has thorns and has a very open and branched crown. It is evergreen and remains evergreen.
Its flowers, known as orange blossoms (like those of the orange tree), are pinkish white and have a large number of stamens. Depending on the variety, they can grow solitary or in clusters.
Both the productivity of the lemon tree and its good health depend to a large extent on correct pruning. Here are the most important points to take into account when pruning the lemon tree.
Pruning time
- Pruning the lemon tree should be done before fruiting between January and February, or after harvesting the fruit, i.e. between June and July.
- When the lemon tree is young, it can be pruned at any time of the year, but it is not advisable to prune a lemon tree that is less than 3 years old.
- Care must be taken not to prune during the frosty season.
Pruning frequency
Pruning should be done annually.
Tools needed for pruning a lemon tree
- Use sharp, clean pruning tools to avoid damaging the tree. Pruning shears, saws and long-handled pruning shears are useful.
- In this link you can download a complete catalogue of Altuna pruning tools.

Steps to prune a lemon tree
These are the steps to follow when pruning a lemon tree:
- Discard and prune the branches that are of no use, i.e. dead, diseased ordamaged branches and branches that do not lead anywhere.
- Prune all lower branches, maintaining the symmetry of the lemon tree. It is essential that your lemon tree maintains a balance. In addition, you must control those shoots or suckers that grow around the trunk and absorb the sap it needs to fruit and grow healthily. Remove any crossing branches or branches growing inwards to improve air circulation and light penetration.
- Selection of branches: you must select the strongest branches, as these will be responsible for supporting the fruit. Once these main branches have been selected, the objective is to keep the trunk of the lemon tree and the selected branches in perfect condition. To do this, prune the branches and shoots that emerge from them. Be sure not to damage or remove main branches that form the basic structure of the tree.
- Topping: trim the tips of the emerging shoots from the three main branches. Trim off the weak parts and leave the strongest parts. To do this, the tips should be about 20 cm long.
From this link you can download the complete catalogue of ALTUNA PRUNING TOOLS. In this catalogue you can see all the one-hand, two-hand and electric pruning shears with their technical characteristics, thickness of the branches they are used for, etc. You will also find information about pruning saws and pruning poles.
Video, how to prune a lemon tree
In this video we are going to see a demonstration of how to prune a lemon tree with the Altuna AB37 electric shears.
Other tips
Other tips to bear in mind when pruning a lemon tree:
- Do not prune lemon trees that are less than 3 years old.
- Never prune in times of frost.
- The pruning of an adult lemon tree will be minor, as long as the tree itself is in good condition. Only if the lemon tree is weak or diseased will it require more aggressive pruning.
- Prune the first flowers and fruits that the lemon tree bears, so that the next productions will be more abundant and better.
- Prevent the crown of the lemon tree from branching out too much, as too many branches can hinder the exposure to sunlight that is necessary for the lemon tree to grow properly.
- Prune branch by branch, be patient and if you have any doubts, ask a professional or go to a garden centre for advice.
Remember to adapt pruning to the specific needs of your lemon tree and local growing conditions. Also, keep in mind that intensive pruning may affect fruit production in the short term, but will promote healthier and more sustainable growth in the long term.
From this link you can download the complete catalogue of ALTUNA PRUNING TOOLS. In this catalogue you can see all the one-hand, two-hand and electric pruning shears with their technical characteristics, thickness of the branches they are used for, etc. You will also find information about pruning saws and pruning poles.